The Fast Track Associate Training Programme – (FTAP) is for all professionals irrespective of their field of discipline, who intend to practice arbitration as Associates of the Nigerian Institute. This program is a five day training that offers guidelines on the emerging trends in Arbitral proceedings and other modern dispute resolution mechanisms.
Course Access
5 days
Last Updated
January 17, 2023
Students Enrolled
Total Video Time
5 minutes
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The Fast Track Associate Training Programme – (FTAP) is for all professionals irrespective of their field of discipline, who intend to practice arbitration as Associates of the Nigerian Institute. This program is a five day training that offers guidelines on the emerging trends in Arbitral proceedings and other modern dispute resolution mechanisms. It uses a variety of teaching formats, emphasizes participant participation in the learning process, and provides opportunities for participants to understand the practice of arbitration and other forms of ADR. At the end of the program, the participants are assessed through a written examination on the lessons learnt in the classroom.Programme Curriculum
The programme will cover some of the following:- Arbitrability of Disputes: Arbitral Proceedings under the Arbitration & Conciliation Act.
- Effect of Arbitraion Agreement and Grounds of Challenging Arbitration Proceedings.
- Administrative checklist and Order of Arbitration in an Arbitral Proceeding.
- Recourse against Award, Recognition and Enforcement of Award amongst others.
Below are the requirements to take the Fast Track Associate Training Programme.- Have a professional career.
- Have an Education qualification of a HND or higher.
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